“The word of the Lord is living and powerful…”

Hebrews 4:12
We are proud to introduce,our partner in the Spirit... 
Created by our good friends Nina and Mark, they offer a stunning range of Bible cards and other inspirational gifts to help you and your family be founded, inspired and empowered with God’s truth.
***Please note Living & Powerful are a separate company to IASMT, therefore do not participate in the same promotions***
Check out their full range here
Nina and Mark say...
Our Bible card sets are designed to help you experience the living word of God.
We want His word to be involved, accessible and available for you in your daily life, so that you, your children and your community will experience deeper intimacy with Him and unity with one another.
The cards are available in beautifully crafted boxes of 45 cards, based on the 5 key biblical themes of:
The cards also come in the Wonder set, containing all 225 cards that cover all 5 themes. Wonder sets are available in both ESV  and a NKJV versions.

“... a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” Psalm 119:105