Do you know that you are an atmosphere changer? With the light of the whole world living inside you, darkness has to flee when you walk into the room. The more aware you of this Light you are carrying, the more spiritual authority you will walk in. 
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 
Many of us cower in the face of darkness, intimidation and opposition, because we are extremely aware of our own weakness and forget the strength of the one who lives in us and in whom we are called to abide. 
I forgot who I was the other day and got unsettled by a couple who seemed to be carrying some weird vibes! But a quick bit of repentance, uprooting the lies that were creeping in and declaring over myself my true identity in Christ got me back on track and helped me love this couple rather than be afraid of them. 
Hear more here. 
Knowing you true identity in Christ will change your everyday interactions. A healthy ‘do’ comes from a healthy ‘who’. So when we know who we are and how God sees us everything changes. We will have healthy relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and will bring joy and freedom to those around us, because our internal world will be in a good place. 
Get your internal world in order today with one of our IASMT books of declarations
Love Thea x