Welcome to Our Video Advent Calendar!

This year we have invited members of the IASMT team and wider family to record their thoughts on a declaration that holds special meaning for them, for our daily video advent calendar!

Every day during advent there will be a different declaration video. From I Am Outrageously Loved and I Am Enough Just As I Am to I Am Grateful, each video has been created to encourage and inspire you to be the fullest and freest version of who God created you to be. 

So, as we go through advent a new video will be revealed each day (just click on the relevant number below)  and don't forget to look back at previous days that you have missed.

You can also follow us on Instagram #IASMTAdvent or Facebook

After you have checked out our advent videos, please scroll down to download our advent calendar.

Downloadable Advent Colouring Calendar!

A beautiful idea to print these on some nice paper and send to a friend or hang in your kitchen. Perfect for family time but equally as powerful for quiet adult reflection and prayer.

 And...each day of advent remember to keep an eye on Instagram #IASMTAdvent and Facebook for more about the declaration of the day - a truly tasty and edifying alternative to the choccy variety! Let's bring more colour and more of God's truth to Christmas.

For girls and ladies click here Downloadable Girls Advent Calendar!

For boys and gentlemen click here Downloadable Boys Advent Calendar!